Make your Life Count!

Don’t give yourself permission to think small

If you would love to really take flight in your life, live your dreams and move towards better things, you may just have to be willing to let go of a few notions or ideas that could be stumbling blocks for you right now. It doesn’t hurt either to consider following your heart instead of your head!

In the words of Ernest Holmes,

“Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think.”

Letting go of the THING you want

Being Clear about your intention

One of the biggest lessons I learnt lately from my mentor Christine Kane, is not to begin with the intention of what you want, but to ask yourself the question…


If you are someone who feels that you have messed up every opportunity that’s come your way to date, you probably just want life to be anything but THAT WAY AGAIN! And that makes deciding what you do want, somewhat of a precarious task, given the possible lack of trust you have in your talents now-a-days 🙂

Louise Hay says that what we think about comes true for us. So if you are feeling fragile right now, not sure exactly what you do want, afraid of making the “WRONG” choice again, try taking a step back.

What if you could choose to BE ~

Someone who is willing to feel happier,
Someone who makes wiser decisions,
Someone who would like better health,
Someone who feels at ease and at peace each day
Willing to BE accepting of yourself just the way you are now.

This is a GREAT place to start!

If you DO know what it is you want to change in your life, think also in terms of who you’d like to BECOME as that happens. This is a much more powerful drive for your intention than just going for the WHAT of your desire.

Be your own advocate in YOUR life for who you’d like to become!

In my life I choose to BE Inspiring and Encouraging because, of all the teachers and mentors in my life that have made such a difference to the way I feel about myself and how I live my life.

I choose to BE Courageous because of all the people in my life who have told me “of course you can do that” and being able to bask in that kind of confidence is such a gift to be given.

And I choose to BE “happy anyway” as a way of reminding myself I can always reach for this feeling, regardless of what life throws my way!

Could you choose to BE willing to release the past and believe in yourself again.

To BE peaceful and at ease in each day.

To BE accepting and approving of who you are.

To BE loving and gentle with your “wonderfulnesses” even if they don’t quite feel like that right now.

What could you choose to be?

What are some of the qualities you would love to develop in yourself, or have more of?

It’s your legacy to create a joyful life that YOU delight in waking up to each morning. Are you ready to take the next step, finding the tools you need and support to help you along the way?

You may not know exactly what it is you actually want right now, but you do know you’re looking for the next steps and some support and guidance to help direct you towards improving your life and accomplishing more of what you truly desire.

Let’s just talk and see how we can work together. Let’s get you clear, confident and back in the Game!


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