Reclaim Your Sense of Wonder

feed your spirit

… and everything else becomes lighter and more manageable.

I have spent plenty of my life walking around as if I were asleep, but thinking I am wide-awake!!.

Autopilot has often unconsciously steered me along the familiar paths between home and the grocery store, weekend activities, the shopping mall or business creativity.

During this “dream state” I glimpse towering white clouds, a sky full of stars, the moon’s fullness and the brilliance of the sunshine. I indulge in wishful thinking, top up my to-do list, smile, eat, sleep, engage in conversations.

But mostly on auto-pilot I’m pre-occupied with living my life: getting things done, working, and sometimes playing.

Until something snaps me back into the moment [Read more…]

4 Tips In Pursuit of peace

Quieting Down the Mind

Experience a sense of happiness and freedon

Experience a sense of happiness and freedom

Isn’t this the best summer ever?

Long, warm days, hot sunshine and cool nights

Mid-year! The perfect invitation to sit back and reflect on life.

The perfect time to linger, marvel, gaze about, appreciate and soak up summer moments.

The perfect time to moodle on questions you have about your life.

The perfect time to breathe deeply and take stock of where you are. [Read more…]

The Upside of Brazen Gratitude

Life is like a mirror, if you SMILE at it, it will SMILE at you.

I had an enlightening experience earlier this week as I was coming out of the library. I was dressed in a light jacket and I was feeling quite blissful. The sun was warm on my face while a chilly breeze swept over my cheeks. [Read more…]

How Do You Stay Inspired?

Wow, April at last, and I am so happy to be able to fling the windows open each morning and greet warmer air. And there’s sunshine out there!
These last few weeks have been quite the challenge haven’t they?

I have really missed writing and connecting with you all, but I needed to step back, regroup, rethink and recharge this year.

seeingthelightI have to say, it’s good to be back and feeling inspired again.

But WOW! getting started writing has felt like an act of revolution, and finding the courage and focus to begin again was surprisingly difficult. [Read more…]

It’s Your life, Live it Your Way

What an amazing summer

Cool mornings and evenings and hot sunny days.

It’s BLISS that’s what it is!

And, it’s the perfect time of year to really stop and smell the roses

Paletta lakeshoreTo embrace being in the moment

To go on adventures big or small

To make the time to feel yourself alive [Read more…]